SCP food consultant
Consulenti di direzione aziendale nel retail e food retail
Dal menu alle operazioni fino all'implementazione di nuove strategie di business, i nostri esperti consulenti sono pronti ad affrontare i contesti più complessi, creando il miglior Format per la food retail e retail business, progettando con te i piani d'azione per un successo ottimale.
What we do
SCP food consultant
SCP S.r.l. offers a wide range of consulting services to support and assist any type of business: from small, established local businesses; and start-ups looking to take their next steps, to multinational food companies keen to capitalise on their strengths to continue to grow. Our shared goal is SUCCESS in the retail and food retail sectors.

Providing insights and strategies to improve the efficiency of your business model

Retail development
Working side-by-side with strategic and operational guidance to develop, grow and expand your retail objectives

Concept development and innovation
Turn your exciting ideas into successful food service concepts

Investors and private equity
Competition among investors is fiercer than ever, we offer extensive experience working with investors on development ideas, (including master-franchising) here in Italy and abroad.

Coaching and training workshops
Engaging your teams with specific training and tools to secure your competitive edge.

Menu strategy
Helping you to develop a winning menu strategy to build your business

Business plans & Brand strategy
Advice on growth strategy expansion, building your brand, adaptation to foreign markets, to maximise financial performance.

​Retail and Restaurant Franchising
A transparent approach and all you need to know to take the right next steps

Help to find the right location, to impact your public presence, walk-in traffic, the potential for future income, thanks to an in-depth knowledge of the commercial real estate market
Investors and Private Equity funds
Retail and food retail companies are attractive targets for investors, and competition between investors is fiercer than ever.
We support the full investment lifecycle from investment thesis ideation to post-acquisition integration, thanks to extensive experience working with investors on development ideas, (single franchising, multi-franchising, -Master) here in Italy and abroad. Offering insights and tactics to review the current operations and opportunities, to focus on reaching maximum potential and profitability. Speaking retail operators’ language while keeping asset performance top of mind.